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curator: Bradley Gorski

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The Triumph Prize

Launched at the same time as the Russian Booker and funded by the newly minted oligarch Boris Berezovsky (1946-2013), the Triumph Prize promised an even broader program of cultural guardianship and philanthropy.

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"A Way Out of the Dead End"

The open letter that became known as the “Letter of the Thirteen,” signed by thirteen of post-Soviet Russia’s most powerful businessmen ahead of the 1996 presidential election, reflected the power of capital in post-Soviet politics.

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The Miracle of Evgeny

A Russian soldier during the first Chechen War (1994-1996), Evgeny Rodionov was captured outside of the Chechen capital, Grozny, and reportedly executed for refusing to renounce his Orthodox faith. His image has since served as the inspiration for several new icons created in the post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church.

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OMON Uniform

Although the police special forces unit known as OMON (Otriad militsii osobogo naznacheniia) was established before the fall of the Soviet Union, their now-ubiquitous light blue camouflage was only introduced in 1994, when OMON was deployed as part of the first Chechen War. OMON and its uniform have since been associated with street intimidation, market clearings, and protest-quashing, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Russian Crime Statistics, 1980-1996

Nothing epitomized the everyday experience of the urban Russian 1990s like crime. As this first comprehensive statistical study of the 1990s demonstrates, crime was just as bad as everyone had anecdotally experienced. The numbers also reveal some unexpected trends.

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Made by the German Henkel company, Moment-brand glue was a staple of post-Soviet hobbyists. It also became one of the preferred drugs among post-Soviet youth. The brand name alone became synonymous with huffing.

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