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Events: 1993 Constitutional Crisis

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Writers demand a Yeltsin coup ("Letter of the 42")

"Pisateli trebuiut ot pravitel’stva reshitel’nykh deistvii [Writers demand decisive actions from the government].” A letter signed by prominent intelligentsia during the 1993 Parliamentary crisis, in which the liberals urge Yeltsin to use lethal force to destroy the Communist-led parliamentary opposition.

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Referendum 1993: the "Yes Yes No Yes" campaign

Da, Da, Net, Da- Agitational propaganda for the 1993 referndum, "Yes, yes, no, yes"- note the slogan at the end, "we are building a new Russia!"

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"We Are Building Communism! / We Are Building a New Russia!"

Billboard for Peresvet Trading Firm in Moscow, playing off of an existing Soviet billboard just above it

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"Politburo" versus the specter of communism, during the 1993 political crisis

A clip from "Politburo," a weekly commentary show from Aleksandr Politkovsky (a Vzgliad alum). This show takes place just prior to May 1, and just after the 1993 Referendum, as well as Rutskoi's first salvo in the "Kompromat Wars," regarding 11 suitcases of materials documenting Yeltsin's corruption. Here, Politkovsky is happy to return the favor to Rutskoy. The show ends with anti-communist chiastushki for Mayday.

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A Conservative Revolutionary Avant-Garde

“The New against the Old,” a programmatic article by Aleksandr Dugin from the first issue of Limonka, the official newspaper of Eduard Limonov’s National Bolshevik Party (NBP), radical political organization/countercultural movement.

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"An Armed Paradise"

An article by Aleksey Tsvetkov, anarchist writer and associate director of "Limonka" who temporarily turned the newspaper to a postmodern art project of sorts.

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