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Text Containing: 1990

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Perestroika by Nikita Skripkin and Locis (1998-1990)

Perestroika, the perestroika-themed puzzle game heralded a new weird age for Russian gaming, in the inexplicable attempt to represent the on-going political turmoil via the reductive means of traversing colorful islands to prosperity.

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"Radost' so slezami na glazakh: obsuzhdaem proekt zakona o pechati"

Newspaper discussion of Press Law of 1990, Knizhnoe obozrenie, 30 March 1990

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The Raspberry blazer as the uniform of the New Russian

The origins and the meaning of the raspberry blazer as the iconic dresscode of New Russians in the early 1990s

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Lyube performing "Atas" during a televised concert on January 1, 1990

The rock band, which Vladimir Putin would later count as among his "favorites," performing on late-Soviet television on the cusp of rock stardom.

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"Tsoi's Wall" on Arbat

A wall of fan graffiti dedocated to the late Soviet rock star Viktor Tsoi on Moscow's famous Arbat Street.

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