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Text Containing: 1991

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The Glasnost Booth on the last October Revolution anniversary in the USSR

“Glas naroda [The People’s Voice]”– a booth installed in the middle of town, into which random people can enter and speak their minds. Episode from the Kremlin, on USSR’s last anniversary of the October Revolution, in 1991.

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Kommersant Board Game

Kommersant attempted to represent the 90s market economy via a Monopoly-like of two economies, an inner and an outer, with racketeering as a recurring threat.

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Auktsyon’s performance at the 8th Leningrad Rock Club Festival

Live performance of the rock band Auktsyon at the Leningrad Rock Club. As an art-jazz-rock collective, Auktsyon was a genre-blending musical and performance phenomenon within the Leningrad underground, which distinguished itself from other bands with both its longevity and stylistic variation, gradually increasing antiestablishment content in its music throughout the post-Soviet period, while maintaining a layer of ideological ambiguity.

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Kommersant’ by Vladimir Kharchenko and Rada Ltd, 1991.

The Ukrainian video game attempted to represent the rough transition to capitalism via a detailed, simulationist interface.

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