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Valerii Pereleshin

Piece on the gay Russian émigré poet Valerii Pereleshin with excerpts from his verse cycle “Ariel” in gay newspaper Shans

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Kolia Vasin’s petition for the “John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll” (Khram Rok-n-rolla imeni Dzhona Lennona.) in St. Petersburg (April 1992).

An official petition for the establishment of the so-called "John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll" in St. Petersburg, conceived by the self-described "Beatlelologist" Kolia Vasin, a major personality in and driver behind the formation of Leningrad's rock music community.

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Impossible Love

LP (represented here by album cover and artwork) Impossible Love (Невозможная любовь) By Vova and the Organ of Internal Affairs (Вова и орган вунтренных дел)

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"The Mysteries of the Century": Post-Truth and Mystical Nazism on Russian TV

An episode from the TV program "Tainy veka" (Mysteries of the century), hosted by Yuri Vorobyovsky and Alexander Dugin. One of the first examples of post-truth on Russian television.

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Limonov Becomes a Post-Soviet Nationalist Rock Star

During a 1992 “encounter” with the émigré writer Eduard Limonov at the concert hall in Moscow’s Ostankino TV studios (a common genre during perestroika), a young "neformal" (alternative kid) in the audience suggests creating a subculture made up of young “limonovians.”

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Soviet identity and Jewish Emigration on KVN

An excerpt from the 1992 season of the amateur variety improv competition show, KVN, in which an Israeli team of recent Russian émigrés competes against former compatriots in Moscow

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