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Text Containing: 1993

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Olympic Stadium Book Market

The center of the post-Soviet book trade established itself in the corridors of the enormous stadium built for the 1980s summer Olympic Games in Moscow. It was chaotic, even dangerous, but also presented an embarrassment of literary riches.

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The Creation of Adam (1993, dir. Iu. Pavlov)

Scene from 1993 Russian feature film with gay themes

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Writers demand a Yeltsin coup ("Letter of the 42")

"Pisateli trebuiut ot pravitel’stva reshitel’nykh deistvii [Writers demand decisive actions from the government].” A letter signed by prominent intelligentsia during the 1993 Parliamentary crisis, in which the liberals urge Yeltsin to use lethal force to destroy the Communist-led parliamentary opposition.

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Petrovich the Soviet everyman survives post-Soviet Russia at Kommersant

A collection of "Petrovich" cartoons at Russia’s ‘first business newspaper,’ Kommersant, drawn by Andrei Bil’zho. They depict a hapless and repulsive comic personage, born and raised in the Soviet era and now trying to get used to the realia of post-Soviet capitalism.

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Referendum 1993: the "Yes Yes No Yes" campaign

Da, Da, Net, Da- Agitational propaganda for the 1993 referndum, "Yes, yes, no, yes"- note the slogan at the end, "we are building a new Russia!"

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"We Are Building Communism! / We Are Building a New Russia!"

Billboard for Peresvet Trading Firm in Moscow, playing off of an existing Soviet billboard just above it

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