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People: Aleksandr (Alexander) Dugin

"The Mysteries of the Century": Post-Truth and Mystical Nazism on Russian TV

An episode from the TV program "Tainy veka" (Mysteries of the century), hosted by Yuri Vorobyovsky and Alexander Dugin. One of the first examples of post-truth on Russian television.

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The World Made of Plastic Has Won

Egor Letov performs his song “Moia oborona” (My defense), during his “concert in the hero city Leningrad,” part of Grazhdanskaia oborona’s 1994 tour Russkii proryv (Russian breakthrough).

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Transylvania is Bothering You (On Radio 101 FM)

The cult radio program Transilvania bespokoit (Transilvania is bothering you) creates an alternative musical canon and produces a new nationalist counterpublic.

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