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People: Eduard Limonov

Fascist Fashion Between Counterculture and Mainstream

Images from a photo shoot from the Polushkin Brothers’ Fash-Fashion collection, which alluded to both queer and fascist aesthetics. Images in the series appeared, respectively, in an ad for Dr. Martens in the lifestyle magazine “Ptiuch,” and as an example of the countercultural aesthetics of the National Bolshevik Party in the pages of its press organ, “Limonka.”

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The World Made of Plastic Has Won

Egor Letov performs his song “Moia oborona” (My defense), during his “concert in the hero city Leningrad,” part of Grazhdanskaia oborona’s 1994 tour Russkii proryv (Russian breakthrough).

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the eXile: Bespredel for Expats

The Moscow-based, English-language magazine the eXile combined gonzo journalism and stiob to provide unique reporting on post-Soviet Russia. At the same time, the outlet fetishized the very 1990s-era lawlessness or bespredel—not to mention Western sexual and economic exploitation of Russia—that it nominally denounced and condemned.

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