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Thematic Tags: Memory

"Can't Live Like This": Imperial nostalgia as a post-Soviet Russian project

Tak zhit' nel'zia [Can't Live Like This], excerpt from Stanislav Govorukhin's influential documentary on the late Perestroika malaise and the way out of it

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"We Are Building Communism! / We Are Building a New Russia!"

Billboard for Peresvet Trading Firm in Moscow, playing off of an existing Soviet billboard just above it

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Revisiting Tchaikovsky's Supposed Suicide: Rebuttal

Article disputing accounts of Tchaikovsky’s suicide in the face of having his homosexuality broadly divulged.

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Marina Goldovskaya’s "Solovki Power" excavates painful historical memory

In 1988, journalist Marina Goldovskaya was able to release her documentary film "Solovki Power," which was dedicated to reconstructing long-suppressed memory of one of the USSR’s most notorious gulags: “Solovki.”

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The founding of the Memorial Society in the late 1980s

Three moments in the early history of Memorial, a human rights group established in Gorbachev-era Russia (and abolished by Putin’s government in 2022) to document and memorialize Soviet political repressions and abuses.

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“Iceberg,” an anti-Zyuganov television spot

An animated political ad from 1996 reminds viewers of the awfulness of the recent past, identifying Communist Gennady Zyuganov with Soviet brutality and empty sloganeering.

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