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Thematic Tags: Nationalism

"Our boys" fight against "fascist" Baltic independence

"Nashi [Our Boys]"- Alexander Nevzorov's propagandistic documentary of the Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet OMON, fighting off the local independence movement in early 1991

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Vladimir Putin's 1999 Vision for Russia

Just before assuming the presidency, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin published an essay that outlined his vision for Russia. He saw it as a post-industrial society that could successfully integrate into the new world order only with a strong central government.

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“Stalin, Beria, Gulag!”: The Natsboly Oppose Gaidar and Mikhalkov

Two early direct actions organized by young members of the National Bolshevik Party combined self-martyrdom with totalitarian stiob.

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Transylvania is Bothering You (On Radio 101 FM)

The cult radio program Transilvania bespokoit (Transilvania is bothering you) creates an alternative musical canon and produces a new nationalist counterpublic.

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The Hit Song “Ubyli Negra” (1999): Dark Humor or Racism?

Music video and lyrics from the 1999 musical hit “Ubily negra [They Killed a Black Man]” by the band “Zapreshchennye barabanshchiki.”

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Vladimir Putin Brings Criminal Slang (and Attitude) to Mainstream Russian TV

At a press conference held in the wake of the September 1999 apartment bombings, then-Prime Minister Putin declared that he would “whack terrorists in the crapper.” In so doing, he reinforced his image as a strong and somewhat thuggish leader, ultimately boosting his popularity ahead of the 2000 presidential election.

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