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Thematic Tags: Moscow
A Coup d'État Holds a Press Conference
A press conference held by the State Committee on the State of Emergency (GKChP in Russian), the group of hardline government officials who attempted a coup d’état overthrowing Mikhail Gorbachev. This press conference, held on 20 August 1991, shows the coup coming apart at the seams.
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TV Commercials for the MMM Pyramid Scheme
A series of 15-second TV spots advertising post-Soviet Russia's most successful pyramid scheme, MMM. The scheme's popularity derived from the simple action-reward structure of the TV spots, which presented a simultaneously winking and sincere vision of capitalist utopia.
Putting the “Spotlight” on an experimental three-hour line for Soviet luxury clothes
“Prozhektor perestroiki” (Perestroika's Spotlight), a glasnost-era televised investigative journalism project, seeks to uncover the causes of a three-hour line for luxury clothes at the recently opened Luxe Fashion Center, which come down to intractable issues of supply and demand in the USSR.
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“No Way to Live”: Imperial nostalgia as a post-Soviet Russian project
An excerpt from Stanislav Govorukhin's (1936-2018) influential documentary on late perestroika malaise and the ways out of it.
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Writers demand a Yeltsin coup ("Letter of the 42")
A letter signed by 42 prominent members of the Russian intelligentsia during the 1993 Constitutional Crisis, in which the liberals urged Yeltsin to use lethal force to destroy the Communist-led parliamentary opposition.
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“We Are Building Communism!" / "We Are Building a New Russia!”
A 1993 billboard for Moscow’s Peresvet Trading Firm that plays on an existing Soviet-era billboard displayed just above it.
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