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People: Anatoly Osmolovsky

Anatoly Osmolovsky & the Nongovernmental Control Commission, Against Everyone, 1999, Lenin’s Mausoleum

A group of people holding a banner reading "Against Everyone" stand atop Lenin's Masoleum.

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Expropriation of the Territory of Art, E.T.A--text, 1991

Image of the actionist group E.T.A. forming an obscene word out of their bodies in front of the Kremlin

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Issue #1 of “Radek”, 1994

Cover of "Radek" featuring four denuded men in front of the burned White house.

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The Non-governmental Control Committee, Barricade, Bolshaia Nikitinskaia street, 1998

Photograph of artists barricading Bolshaia Nikitinskaia street

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Svetlana Baskova's "Little Green Elephant" (1999)

Svetlana Baskova captures the surreal, deeply violent, and grotesque essence of the 1990s and the Chechen wars in her cult trash movie, "Zelenyi slonik" (The little green elephant, 1999).

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