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People: Vladimir Gusinsky

"A Way Out of the Dead End"

The open letter that became known as the “Letter of the Thirteen,” signed by thirteen of post-Soviet Russia’s most powerful businessmen ahead of the 1996 presidential election, reflected the power of capital in post-Soviet politics.

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"Russian, It's Time For Revenge!"

In the weeks leading up to the Second Chechen War, Russia’s right wing publications reminded their audiences of the humiliation of the First Chechen War, and called for—nationalist, racist, brutal—revenge.

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Oligarchs collude for Yeltsin in 1996

"Vyiti iz tupika [To Get Out of the Impasse]," an op-ed coauthered by Berezovsky, Gusinsky and other prominent 'oligarchs,' in which they announce their intention to use all media resources at their disposal to sink Ziuganov's chances of beating Yeltsin in the 1996 election.

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“It’s all Chubais’ fault!”

The political satire show "Kukly [Puppets]" mocks Anatoly Chubais, a key architect of the disastrous early-1990s Russian privatization push known as "shock therapy." From Episode 47, “Hostages,” which aired on NTV on 27 January 1996.

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