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People: Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The View from the Other Side

LGBTQ activist Yaroslav “Slava” Mogutin’s response to another article on gay men in post-Soviet Russia (by Aelita Efimova) in the magazine Совершенно секретно.

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Lesbian Masha Attacks the Bureaucrats

An article on the early 1990s LGBTQ activism of Masha Gessen in Russia

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One-on-One with Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Boris Nemtsov

Alexander Liubimov’s (1962-) talk show, “One on One,” staged debates between public figures who disagreed strongly with each other. When nationalist provocateur Vladimir Zhirinovsky (1946-2022) and liberal reformer Boris Nemtsov (1959-2015) met on air in as the First Chechen War (1994-1996) was just beginning, sparks—and a piece of the set—flew.

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“It’s all Chubais’ fault!”

The political satire show "Kukly [Puppets]" mocks Anatoly Chubais, a key architect of the disastrous early-1990s Russian privatization push known as "shock therapy." From Episode 47, “Hostages,” which aired on NTV on 27 January 1996.

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