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People: Yegor Letov

"Vse idet po planu." Audio recording. By Grazhdanskaia Oborona

The 16th track on Grazhdanskaia Oborona's 1988 eponymous punk-rock album, whose refrain became a popular catchphrase of the late perestroika and post-Soviet period. The song cemented Egor Letov and his band as a major influence during Perestroika, marking the punk genre's departure from the established norm of largely avoiding politically-charged lyrical content.

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The World Made of Plastic Has Won

Egor Letov performs his song “Moia oborona” (My defense), during his “concert in the hero city Leningrad,” part of Grazhdanskaia oborona’s 1994 tour Russkii proryv (Russian breakthrough).

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