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Made by the German Henkel company, Moment-brand glue was a staple of post-Soviet hobbyists. It also became one of the preferred drugs among post-Soviet youth. The brand name alone became synonymous with huffing.

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The logo for the "Dendy" Entertainment Console by Ivan Maximov.

The logo of an young, anthropomorphic elephant giving the victory sign with his left hand announced Russia''s first game console, which became enormously popular between 1992 and 1996.

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Vangers: One for the Road

Vangers: One for the Road, a cult video game merging the racing and role-playing genres, introduced Russia's game designers to independently minded gamers.

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Perestroika by Nikita Skripkin and Locis (1998-1990)

Perestroika, the perestroika-themed puzzle game heralded a new weird age for Russian gaming, in the inexplicable attempt to represent the on-going political turmoil via the reductive means of traversing colorful islands to prosperity.

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Kommersant’ by Vladimir Kharchenko and Rada Ltd, 1991.

The Ukrainian video game attempted to represent the rough transition to capitalism via a detailed, simulationist interface.

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Parkan: Chronicles of an Empire

Parkan is a cult video game for its immense ambitions. A multi-genre game, Parkan tried to encompass space exploration, adventure, planetary landings and alien diplomacy a decade before Western AAA blockbusters like "Mass Effect" (2007) succeeded at commercializing similar aims.

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