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Thematic Tags: Literature
The Russian Booker—Scandals
A series of five articles scandalously decrying the Russian Booker, the new literary prize imported from England.
Olympic Stadium Book Market
The center of the post-Soviet book trade established itself in the corridors of the enormous stadium built for the 1980s summer Olympic Games in Moscow. It was chaotic, even dangerous, but also presented an embarrassment of literary riches.
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Rebuilding Russia
When it was published in 1990, Alexander Solzhenitsyn's (1918-2008) traditionalist prescription for pulling Russia out of its difficulties was seen as out of touch with the times. Since then, many of the ideas the author expounded have become commonplaces in the culture of Russian revanchism.
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Project O.G.I.
A literary club founded by the United Humanitarian Publishers (OGI) in 1998 in the apartment of journalist and music critic Dmitrii Olshansky (1978-), Proekt OGI represented one of the more successful attempts to reclaim the late-Soviet underground in the new, post-Soviet, capitalist world.
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Long Live PaperLessLit
Soviet paper shortages, new computer technologies, and the lifting of censorship come together in an unexpected way in this proposal to preserve manuscripts of unpublished authors for posterity.
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Two Lives, Two Destinies. Sketch of S.E. Esenin and N. Kliuev
Article about the love affair between and the literary destinies of the poets Sergei Esenin and Nikolai Kliuev in the literary supplement to the gay newspaper 1/10
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