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Thematic Tags: Pop Culture
Referendum 1993: the "Yes Yes No Yes" campaign
“Yes, yes, no yes [Da, Da, Net, Da],” an agitational propaganda campaign for the 1993 referendum, featuring the slogan "We are building a new Russia!"
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Impossible Love
LP (represented here by album cover and artwork) Impossible Love (Невозможная любовь) By Vova and the Organ of Internal Affairs (Вова и орган вунтренных дел)
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The Russian (Extreme Version of) MTV
Selection from the music TV show Drëma, which aired on TV-6 in 1997-98 before being shut down because of its provocative content. Hosted by Vladimir Epifantsev and Anfisa Chekhova. An early (quite experimental) example of pop culture in post-Soviet Russia.
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The Making of an Anti-Bourgeois Hero
Excerpt from an early episode (the second) of a new version of the popular talk show Vzgliad, co-hosted by Aleksandr Liubimov and Sergey Bodrov Jr., which aired weekly on the TV channel ORT in 1996-1999.
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"Only the Wildest and Craziest": Kuryokhin's Neo-Avant-Garde on the Russian Radio
An episode of Kuryokhin’s radio program “Vasha liubimaia sobaka [Your favorite dog],” also known as “Nasha malen’kaia rybka [Our little fish],” aka “Russkii liudoed [Russian cannibal].”
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