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Thematic Tags: Caucasus

Shevchuk (DDT) in Chechnya

Excerpt from Vremia DDT, a 2002 documentary centered on DDT, one of Russia’s most famous rock bands throughout the 1990s and later. A montage of amateur film made by the group leader and frontman, Yuri Shevchuk during his visit to Russian frontlines during the First Chechen War in 1995-1996, overlaid by the song, “Patsany [The guys],” inspired by what Shevchuk saw there.

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The Chechen Knot: 13 theses.

Infamous article on the Chechen war by controversial gay journalist Slava Mogutin

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Svetlana Baskova's "Little Green Elephant" (1999)

Svetlana Baskova captures the surreal, deeply violent, and grotesque essence of the 1990s and the Chechen wars in her cult trash movie, "Zelenyi slonik" (The little green elephant, 1999).

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