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Thematic Tags: National Bolshevism

Romantics and Fascists

Experimental musician and political provocateur Sergei Kuryokhin (1954-1996) explains his definition of fascism and his distinction between mainstream postmodernism and a postmodernism of protest.

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"What is Concealed Will Be Revealed." Kuryokhin and Dugin's Post-Ironic Political Campaign

A moment in Dugin's political campaign in Saint Petersburg, in which Sergey Kuryokhin and Aleksandr Dugin mock liberal democracy—and Yeltsin’s 1993 referendum—on Russian TV.

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Limonov Becomes a Post-Soviet Nationalist Rock Star

During a 1992 “encounter” with the émigré writer Eduard Limonov at the concert hall in Moscow’s Ostankino TV studios (a common genre during perestroika), a young "neformal" (alternative kid) in the audience suggests creating a subculture made up of young “limonovians.”

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“Stalin, Beria, Gulag!”: The Natsboly Oppose Gaidar and Mikhalkov

Two early direct actions organized by young members of the National Bolshevik Party combined self-martyrdom with totalitarian stiob.

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The Hit Song “Ubyli Negra” (1999): Dark Humor or Racism?

Music video and lyrics from the 1999 musical hit “Ubily negra [They Killed a Black Man]” by the band “Zapreshchennye barabanshchiki.”

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