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Thematic Tags: New Russian

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"New Russians" at Kommersant

Series of articles from the nascent Kommersant Daily in late 1992-early 1993, assessing and explaining the nature of its target audience, the “New Russians”

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Parfenov’s Namedni as memory-work in the 1990s

Namedni [Recently], Parfenov's project about recent history, was one of the most successful shows of the 1990s. Eschewing big narrative arcs, the show highlighted the past as a collection of memory sites– in this case, the origin of the New Russian in 1991.

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The World of New Russians store, Palekh-style tray

A World of New Russians lacquered tray depicts several wealthy criminal businessmen, their bodyguards and their nude female companions enjoying luxury living in a private pool, near a private mansion, all depicted in the style of Russian folk art.

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World of New Russians Dictionary

Page from the "World of New Russians Dictionary" with a mocking Vitruvian man.

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