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Thematic Tags: Comedy

Gorodok [Little Town]: 1993-2012

title screen, "Little Town"/"Gorodok" by Iurii Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, 1996

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Georgii Deliev, Mask Show (Маски Шоу), 1991-2006.

title screen, "Maski-Show"/"Maski-Show", 1991 by Georgi Deliev, showing a stylized image of multiple people in clown make-up.

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Kukly ["Dolls'], still from episode 2 “The Old New Year” (01/07/1995) featuring the first appearance of Boris Yeltsin’s puppet on the show.

Still from Dolls"/"Kukly", 1994-2002, an influential political satire showing several politicians as puppets.

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