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Thematic Tags: Conservatism

"Can't Live Like This": Imperial nostalgia as a post-Soviet Russian project

Tak zhit' nel'zia [Can't Live Like This], excerpt from Stanislav Govorukhin's influential documentary on the late Perestroika malaise and the way out of it

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Oligarchs collude for Yeltsin in 1996

"Vyiti iz tupika [To Get Out of the Impasse]," an op-ed coauthered by Berezovsky, Gusinsky and other prominent 'oligarchs,' in which they announce their intention to use all media resources at their disposal to sink Ziuganov's chances of beating Yeltsin in the 1996 election.

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Perestroika Women Speak to US Women

A clip from one of many Perestroika-era televised conversations between American and Soviet "regular people," in which they find common ground with the help of long-time Soviet propagandist and future star of liberal post-Soviet TV, Vladimir Pozner

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Ernst’s “Russian Project” as cultural therapy for the post-Soviet Russian masses

Konstantin Ernst’s series of social advertisements extolling Russia’s shared values and national identity at a time of seeming social crisis in the mid-1990s

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