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Thematic Tags: Fascism

"Our boys" fight against "fascist" Baltic independence

"Nashi [Our Boys]"- Alexander Nevzorov's propagandistic documentary of the Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet OMON, fighting off the local independence movement in early 1991

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Romantics and Fascists

Experimental musician and political provocateur Sergei Kuryokhin (1954-1996) explains his definition of fascism and his distinction between mainstream postmodernism and a postmodernism of protest.

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Fascist Fashion Between Counterculture and Mainstream

Images from a photo shoot from the Polushkin Brothers’ Fash-Fashion collection, which alluded to both queer and fascist aesthetics. Images in the series appeared, respectively, in an ad for Dr. Martens in the lifestyle magazine “Ptiuch,” and as an example of the countercultural aesthetics of the National Bolshevik Party in the pages of its press organ, “Limonka.”

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The World Made of Plastic Has Won

Egor Letov performs his song “Moia oborona” (My defense), during his “concert in the hero city Leningrad,” part of Grazhdanskaia oborona’s 1994 tour Russkii proryv (Russian breakthrough).

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Let's Go To War!

The model, writer, singer, and TV personality Natalia Medvedeva (Limonov’s third wife) performs her song “Poedem na voinu!” (Let’s go to war!), a countercultural hymn romanticizing war, violence, and rebellion.

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Novikov's "New Russian Classicism"

Timur Novikov’s essay and manifesto, “The New Russian Classicism” as an exponent of pop culture, fashion, and totalitarianism.

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