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Thematic Tags: Fashion

The Raspberry blazer as the uniform of the New Russian

The origins and the meaning of the raspberry blazer as the iconic dresscode of New Russians in the early 1990s

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Fascist Fashion Between Counterculture and Mainstream

Images from a photo shoot from the Polushkin Brothers’ Fash-Fashion collection, which alluded to both queer and fascist aesthetics. Images in the series appeared, respectively, in an ad for Dr. Martens in the lifestyle magazine “Ptiuch,” and as an example of the countercultural aesthetics of the National Bolshevik Party in the pages of its press organ, “Limonka.”

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Novikov's "New Russian Classicism"

Timur Novikov’s essay and manifesto, “The New Russian Classicism” as an exponent of pop culture, fashion, and totalitarianism.

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