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Thematic Tags: Law Enforcement

OMON Uniform

Although the police special forces unit known as OMON (Otriad militsii osobogo naznacheniia) was established before the fall of the Soviet Union, their now-ubiquitous light blue camouflage was only introduced in 1994, when OMON was deployed as part of the first Chechen War. OMON and its uniform have since been associated with street intimidation, market clearings, and protest-quashing, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Russian Crime Statistics, 1980-1996

Nothing epitomized the everyday experience of the urban Russian 1990s like crime. As this first comprehensive statistical study of the 1990s demonstrates, crime was just as bad as everyone had anecdotally experienced. The numbers also reveal some unexpected trends.

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Ryazan Sugar (Hexogen)

Three large sacks of white granules, wired to a timer set for 5:30 AM, were found in the ground floor of a Ryazan apartment building on 22 September 1999—perhaps preventing yet another apartment bombing in a series that had terrorized Russians all month. FSB chief Nikolai Patrushev later told a TV reporter that these sacks contained nothing but sugar, which were being used in a test of public vigilance.

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