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Thematic Tags: Memory

The Glasnost Booth on the last October Revolution anniversary in the USSR

“Glas naroda [The People’s Voice]”– a booth installed in the middle of town, into which random people can enter and speak their minds. Episode from the Kremlin, on USSR’s last anniversary of the October Revolution, in 1991.

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Parfenov’s Namedni as memory-work in the 1990s

Namedni [Recently], Parfenov's project about recent history, was one of the most successful shows of the 1990s. Eschewing big narrative arcs, the show highlighted the past as a collection of memory sites– in this case, the origin of the New Russian in 1991.

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Gagarin (1994), directed by Alexei Kharitidi and the Moscow Animation studio “Pilot”

"Gagarin", the Oscar-nominated cartoon, directed by Alexei Kharitidi and the Moscow Animation studio “Pilot”

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Alexander Shaburov's "Monument to an Invisible Man", 1999

A monument pedestal with no statue, two uneven footprints are imprinted on the pedestal.

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"Tsoi's Wall" on Arbat

A wall of fan graffiti dedocated to the late Soviet rock star Viktor Tsoi on Moscow's famous Arbat Street.

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Kolia Vasin’s petition for the “John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll” (Khram Rok-n-rolla imeni Dzhona Lennona.) in St. Petersburg (April 1992).

An official petition for the establishment of the so-called "John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll" in St. Petersburg, conceived by the self-described "Beatlelologist" Kolia Vasin, a major personality in and driver behind the formation of Leningrad's rock music community.

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