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Thematic Tags: Red Brown

Writers demand a Yeltsin coup ("Letter of the 42")

"Pisateli trebuiut ot pravitel’stva reshitel’nykh deistvii [Writers demand decisive actions from the government].” A letter signed by prominent intelligentsia during the 1993 Parliamentary crisis, in which the liberals urge Yeltsin to use lethal force to destroy the Communist-led parliamentary opposition.

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A Conservative Revolutionary Avant-Garde

“The New against the Old,” a programmatic article by Aleksandr Dugin from the first issue of Limonka, the official newspaper of Eduard Limonov’s National Bolshevik Party (NBP), radical political organization/countercultural movement.

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"An Armed Paradise"

An article by Aleksey Tsvetkov, anarchist writer and associate director of "Limonka" who temporarily turned the newspaper to a postmodern art project of sorts.

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“Arise, you cursed people!”: The Aesthetics of "Limonka"

A "Limonka" cover from 1997 displaying a collage by the surreal retrofuturist artist and pioneer of industrial music, Aleksandr Lebedev-Frontov.

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“Stalin, Beria, Gulag!”: The Natsboly Oppose Gaidar and Mikhalkov

Two early direct actions organized by young members of the National Bolshevik Party combined self-martyrdom with totalitarian stiob.

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