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Thematic Tags: Sincerity

Early Vzgliad parodies itself

A 1988 celebration of a year of Vzgliad, where several sketch comedy artists parody and recapitulate Vzgliad's casual, sincere, freewheeling style of television programming

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"Politburo" versus the specter of communism, during the 1993 political crisis

A clip from "Politburo," a weekly commentary show from Aleksandr Politkovsky (a Vzgliad alum). This show takes place just prior to May 1, and just after the 1993 Referendum, as well as Rutskoi's first salvo in the "Kompromat Wars," regarding 11 suitcases of materials documenting Yeltsin's corruption. Here, Politkovsky is happy to return the favor to Rutskoy. The show ends with anti-communist chiastushki for Mayday.

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Marina Goldovskaya’s "Solovki Power" excavates painful historical memory

In 1988, journalist Marina Goldovskaya was able to release her documentary film "Solovki Power," which was dedicated to reconstructing long-suppressed memory of one of the USSR’s most notorious gulags: “Solovki.”

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