Explore: Year » 1993
Bestsellers of Moscow
Post-Soviet Russia's first bestseller lists, compiled by the weekly industry newspaper "Knizhnoe obozrenie" and published from late 1993 through 1998.
The Triumph Prize
Launched at the same time as the Russian Booker and funded by the newly minted oligarch Boris Berezovsky (1946-2013), the Triumph Prize promised an even broader program of cultural guardianship and philanthropy.
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Russian Crime Statistics, 1980-1996
Nothing epitomized the everyday experience of the urban Russian 1990s like crime. As this first comprehensive statistical study of the 1990s demonstrates, crime was just as bad as everyone had anecdotally experienced. The numbers also reveal some unexpected trends.
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Olympic Stadium Book Market
The center of the post-Soviet book trade established itself in the corridors of the enormous stadium built for the 1980s summer Olympic Games in Moscow. It was chaotic, even dangerous, but also presented an embarrassment of literary riches.
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The Creation of Adam (1993, dir. Iu. Pavlov)
Scene from 1993 Russian feature film with gay themes
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Writers demand a Yeltsin coup ("Letter of the 42")
A letter signed by 42 prominent members of the Russian intelligentsia during the 1993 Constitutional Crisis, in which the liberals urged Yeltsin to use lethal force to destroy the Communist-led parliamentary opposition.
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