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curator: Thomas Keenan

Page: 4

Valerii Pereleshin

Piece on the gay Russian émigré poet Valerii Pereleshin with excerpts from his verse cycle “Ariel” in gay newspaper Shans

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Soviet Homosexuals: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Essay by gay former Soviet inmate published in journal Gay, славяне!

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Protect Yourself against AIDS, Brother!

AIDS prevention public service announcement in the gay magazine Импульс

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Love is Nasty, It Can Make you Fall in Love with An Asshole

Item in Правда about Slava Mogutin’s attempt to register marriage to partner Robert Filipini

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Impossible Love

LP (represented here by album cover and artwork) Impossible Love (Невозможная любовь) By Vova and the Organ of Internal Affairs (Вова и орган вунтренных дел)

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Olga. Love and Faith Are Not Dead

Profile of a post-Soviet lesbian survivor of Soviet-era anti-LGBTQ repressions

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