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curator: Daniil Leiderman

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Kommersant Board Game

Kommersant attempted to represent the 90s market economy via a Monopoly-like of two economies, an inner and an outer, with racketeering as a recurring threat.

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Shaburov Sasha Christ

Alexander Shaburov developed a series of performances about artistic identity, which included both mocking and pastiching the cult leader Marina Tsvigun (AKA "Maria Devi Christ" ) whose group attempted to seize the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv in 1993.

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Manager Board Game 1st edition

A square, indigo board game similar to Monopoly, but reading "Manager". Manager, which became the most successful Monopoly-like made in the former Soviet Union, initially presented itself as scientific and rational in its promise of capitalist success.

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Ivan Zhaba: Russian Superman

A major installation artwork by Alexander Shaburov engaged with the Western Superhero genre through a multimedia hagiography of a Russian superman.

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Vangers: One for the Road

Vangers: One for the Road, a cult video game merging the racing and role-playing genres, introduced Russia's game designers to independently minded gamers.

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World of New Russians Dictionary

Page from the "World of New Russians Dictionary" with a mocking Vitruvian man.

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