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Band Survey from the Leningrad Rock Club completed by Sergei Kuryokhin of Pop Mekhanika

An official rock club survey in which Sergei Kuryokhin utlilizes the late-Soviet aesthetic of stiob and performative socialism to underscore the club's dependence on the KGB

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Gagarin (1994), directed by Alexei Kharitidi and the Moscow Animation studio “Pilot”

"Gagarin", the Oscar-nominated cartoon, directed by Alexei Kharitidi and the Moscow Animation studio “Pilot”

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Mikhail Kuchin’s gravestone

Photograph of Mikhail Kuchin's funerary portrait with mercedes keys, gravestone, 1994. Shirokorechenskoy Cemetery.

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Parkan: Chronicles of an Empire

Parkan is a cult video game for its immense ambitions. A multi-genre game, Parkan tried to encompass space exploration, adventure, planetary landings and alien diplomacy a decade before Western AAA blockbusters like "Mass Effect" (2007) succeeded at commercializing similar aims.

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Maria Devi Khristos

Maria Devi Khristos, street poster with a woman in religious regalia making a gesture of blessing, 1991.

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"LoveIs" gum insert

"LoveIs" gum insert. Image shows a man and woman walking somewhere. The English text reads: "taking him/her to the place you lived before marrying". The Russian text reads: "Showing her your future marriage house". LoveIs featured Kim Casali's syndicated cartoon "Love Is", however the explosion in similarly adorned gum included everything from film stills from the Godfather and Jurassic Park to pornography.

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