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"First Glove" by Alexander Brener

Alexander Brener, "First Glove" 1995: a performance where Brener challenged Yeltsin to a fist-fight on the Red Square.

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Anatoly Osmolovsky & the Nongovernmental Control Commission, Against Everyone, 1999, Lenin’s Mausoleum

A group of people holding a banner reading "Against Everyone" stand atop Lenin's Masoleum.

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Express-Gazette Cover, Headlines: “Pugacheva is being tricky”, “Fillip’s Spermatozoid” 1998

Busy tabloid cover depicting pop stars Alla Pugacheva and Fillip Kirkorov embracing next to a headline speculating about the viability of Kirkorov's sperm.

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SpidInfo #1, January 1991

Cover of the first issue of SpidInfo depicting an anxious nude couple turned away from each other in bed.

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Alexander Shaburov's "Monument to an Invisible Man", 1999

A monument pedestal with no statue, two uneven footprints are imprinted on the pedestal.

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Gorodok [Little Town]: 1993-2012

title screen, "Little Town"/"Gorodok" by Iurii Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, 1996

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