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Soviet Engineers become Post-Soviet Aristocrats on TV

Chto? Gde? Kogda? (What? Where? When?) goes through an aristocratic overhaul and becomes an "intellectual casino'

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Olga. Love and Faith Are Not Dead

Profile of a post-Soviet lesbian survivor of Soviet-era anti-LGBTQ repressions

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Boris Moiseev: Egoist

Music video for song by pop-music artist Boris Moiseev

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Eduard Limonov: It’s Me, Eddy, Glagol Press.

Glagol Press (Moscow) 1991 edition of Eduard Limonov’s It’s Me, Eddy.

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Revisiting Tchaikovsky's Supposed Suicide: Rebuttal

Article disputing accounts of Tchaikovsky’s suicide in the face of having his homosexuality broadly divulged.

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Sergei Penkin: "Holiday" Album Cover

Cover art for an album by pop-music artist Sergei Penkin.

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