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People: Boris Yeltsin

“Go buy some food… for the last time!”

An anti-Zyuganov campaign poster from the 1996 Yeltsin re-election campaign.

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Yeltsin "sleeps through" Ireland

The aftermath of the "Shannon diplomatic incident," in which Yeltsin, having slept through a meeting with Irish leaders while his plane sat on the tarmac at the Shannon Airport, confronts Russian reporters back at Vnukovo-2 in Moscow.

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Grigory Yavlinsky of the Yabloko Party runs for president, 1996

Grigory Yavlinsky’s 11-minute presidential campaign ad from 1996.

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Evgeny Kiselev intervenes in the “Xerox affair,” 20 June 1996

A special broadcast on the "Xerox affair" by Evgeny Kiselev of "Itogi"

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Kukly ["Dolls'], still from episode 2 “The Old New Year” (01/07/1995) featuring the first appearance of Boris Yeltsin’s puppet on the show.

Still from Dolls"/"Kukly", 1994-2002, an influential political satire showing several politicians as puppets.

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“It’s all Chubais’ fault!”

The political satire show "Kukly [Puppets]" mocks Anatoly Chubais, a key architect of the disastrous early-1990s Russian privatization push known as "shock therapy." From Episode 47, “Hostages,” which aired on NTV on 27 January 1996.

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