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Thematic Tags: Leningrad

Alexei Uchitel's 1992 documentary, "Poslednii Geroi [The Last Hero]"

Made with the collaboration of Tsoi's widow Marianna Tsoi, the film includes scenes from Viktor Tsoi's funeral and chronicles the mass mourning of the late musician, and the perestroika era by proxy.

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Band Survey from the Leningrad Rock Club completed by Sergei Kuryokhin of Pop Mekhanika

An official rock club survey in which Sergei Kuryokhin utlilizes the late-Soviet aesthetic of stiob and performative socialism to underscore the club's dependence on the KGB

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Lenin Was a Mushroom

An excerpt from the famous episode of the TV show "Piatoe koleso" (The Fifth Wheel) in which the experimental musician and performer Sergey Kuryokhin (1954-1996) nearly convinced Soviet audiences that "Lenin was a mushroom."

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