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Thematic Tags: Patriotism

Ekho Moskvy on the 1991 Putsch

Live coverage of the GKChP putsch in August 1991 from the Echo of Moscow radio station, demonstrating the chaos of the moment, the putschists' failure to control their message, and the power of a newly independent Russian media.

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The Miracle of Evgeny

A Russian soldier during the first Chechen War (1994-1996), Evgeny Rodionov was captured outside of the Chechen capital, Grozny, and reportedly executed for refusing to renounce his Orthodox faith. His image has since served as the inspiration for several new icons created in the post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church.

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Lyube performing "Atas" during a televised concert on January 1, 1990

The rock band, which Vladimir Putin would later count as among his "favorites," performing on late-Soviet television on the cusp of rock stardom.

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A 1997 interview with Sergei Bodrov, Jr.

Interview with actor Sergei Bodrov Jr., who famously played the loveable gangster Danila Bagrov in Aleksei Balabanov’s films Brother and Brother 2, becoming a post-Soviet cultural icon.

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