
Oleg Kulik and Alexander Brener, Rabid Dog or the last taboo guarded by a lone Cerberus, Nov. 23rd, 1994. The street outside Marat Guelman’s gallery, Moscow.

A snarling, nude and chained Kulik attacks cars and strangers, while Brener pulls on the chain, both are in a public street.

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Perestroika by Nikita Skripkin and Locis (1998-1990)

Perestroika, the perestroika-themed puzzle game heralded a new weird age for Russian gaming, in the inexplicable attempt to represent the on-going political turmoil via the reductive means of traversing colorful islands to prosperity.

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Kommersant’ by Vladimir Kharchenko and Rada Ltd, 1991.

The Ukrainian video game attempted to represent the rough transition to capitalism via a detailed, simulationist interface.

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Gorbachev speaks with state media leaders (Draft)

Gorbachev’s Speech before a Gathering of State Media Leaders, March 14, 1986

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Front page of Komsomol'skaia pravda in new format

Front page of KP when the format of the printed version changed to adjust to 1990s print media reading habits and financial constraints

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Letter department workers process mail from citizens writing about the upcoming 26th Party Conference (Draft)

Photograph of letter department workers at the Soviet Union's TV Guide

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