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Events: Perestroika

Kommersant’ by Vladimir Kharchenko and Rada Ltd, 1991.

The Ukrainian video game attempted to represent the rough transition to capitalism via a detailed, simulationist interface.

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Top Secret: Investigative Journalism and True Crime During Perestroika

Sovershenno sekretno, the first privately owned periodical in Soviet Russia since 1917, showcased a combination of transparency and sensationalism that became a distinguishing feature of journalistic writing in the post-Soviet period.

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The First Article on Prostitution in the Soviet Union

"The White Dance" by Evgeny Dodolev broke a major taboo of Soviet press by reporting on the existence of foreign-currency prostitutes in the USSR. Dodolev would then go on to be a part of the "Vzgliad" team, as well as the creator of 1990s "Novyi vzgliad." "Moscovskii komsomolets," 19-21 November, 1986

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The First (Home-Made) Post-Soviet Independent TV

The Saint Petersburg “New Artists” stage a meeting of the committee “anti-state of emergency” on their “Pirate Television,” declaring their support of Yeltsin against the group of communist hardliners who led the coup d’etat against Gorbachev on August 19, 1991.

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Marina Goldovskaya’s "Solovki Power" excavates painful historical memory

In 1988, journalist Marina Goldovskaya was able to release her documentary film "Solovki Power," which was dedicated to reconstructing long-suppressed memory of one of the USSR’s most notorious gulags: “Solovki.”

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The founding of the Memorial Society in the late 1980s

Three moments in the early history of Memorial, a human rights group established in Gorbachev-era Russia (and abolished by Putin’s government in 2022) to document and memorialize Soviet political repressions and abuses.

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