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People: Slava Mogutin

The View from the Other Side

LGBTQ activist Yaroslav “Slava” Mogutin’s response to another article on gay men in post-Soviet Russia (by Aelita Efimova) in the magazine Совершенно секретно.

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The Chechen Knot: 13 theses.

Infamous article on the Chechen war by controversial gay journalist Slava Mogutin

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Gay Dawn (Light-Blue Dawn)

A piece in the monthly magazine Совершенно секретно in which a (presumably) heterosexual female journalist responds to the emergence of a gay subculture in early post-Soviet Russia

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Love is Nasty, It Can Make you Fall in Love with An Asshole

Item in Правда about Slava Mogutin’s attempt to register marriage to partner Robert Filipini

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