
You Can't Teach the Lefthanded to Be Righthanded

An article from Argumenty i fakty from 1990 in which w journalists seek comment from Igor Kon on the topic of homosexuality

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Valerii Pereleshin

Piece on the gay Russian émigré poet Valerii Pereleshin with excerpts from his verse cycle “Ariel” in gay newspaper Shans

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"I cannot forsake my principles" (Draft)

Nina Andreeva's letter published in Sovetskaia Rossiia

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Soviet Homosexuals: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Essay by gay former Soviet inmate published in journal Gay, славяне!

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Kolia Vasin’s petition for the “John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll” (Khram Rok-n-rolla imeni Dzhona Lennona.) in St. Petersburg (April 1992).

An official petition for the establishment of the so-called "John Lennon Church of Rock-n-Roll" in St. Petersburg, conceived by the self-described "Beatlelologist" Kolia Vasin, a major personality in and driver behind the formation of Leningrad's rock music community.

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Protect Yourself against AIDS, Brother!

AIDS prevention public service announcement in the gay magazine Импульс

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