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Roksi Music Journal (Samizdat) (Vol. 15, 1990.)

The final print issue of the Leningrad-based samizdat rock journal Roksi, which was founded in 1977 by members of the rock band Aquarium and the future president of the Leningrad Rock Club. Considered to be the first rock publication in the Soviet Union, which was subject to raids by the KGB, Roksi eventually became the official newsletter of the LRC, and thus legitimized by the state apparatus.

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"Power to the Fourth Estate," Izvestiia

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Front page of Komsomol'skaia pravda in new format

Front page of KP when the format of the printed version changed to adjust to 1990s print media reading habits and financial constraints

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"Radost' so slezami na glazakh: obsuzhdaem proekt zakona o pechati"

Newspaper discussion of Press Law of 1990, Knizhnoe obozrenie, 30 March 1990

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