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"The Current Moment and Our Tasks"

Andreeva's speech opening the first meeting of the All-Union COmmunist Party of Bolsheviks, 8 November 1991

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Band Survey from the Leningrad Rock Club completed by Sergei Kuryokhin of Pop Mekhanika

An official rock club survey in which Sergei Kuryokhin utlilizes the late-Soviet aesthetic of stiob and performative socialism to underscore the club's dependence on the KGB

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Homosexuality in Soviet Prisons and Camps

An article by Russian LGBTQ activist Slava Mogutin and American LGBTQ activist Sonja Franeta on the history of homosexuality in the Soviet penal system

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You Can't Teach the Lefthanded to Be Righthanded

An article from Argumenty i fakty from 1990 in which w journalists seek comment from Igor Kon on the topic of homosexuality

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Valerii Pereleshin

Piece on the gay Russian émigré poet Valerii Pereleshin with excerpts from his verse cycle “Ariel” in gay newspaper Shans

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